Your Carbon Footprint Matters

Corporate carbon footprint evaluates the amount of CO2 directly or indirectly produced by a business. It can be a daunting task to track down the emissions produced by every supplier and partner your company relies on to create a product. However, it’s becoming an increasingly urgent issue to understand your environmental impact – both for the sake of sustainability and for business. 

The United States is one of the leading nations in greenhouse gas emissions. Consumers, partners, and shareholders expect responsibility and action. In a 2022 survey by IBM, over 51% of respondents said environmental sustainability is more important to them today than it was 12 months ago. Businesses are recognizing the need to evaluate their current carbon footprint and adopt more sustainable practices. 

One aspect of environmental responsibility is electronics consumption and recycling, which can have a big impact on a business’s carbon footprint. To truly understand the environmental benefits of recycling, METech Recycling includes carbon emissions reporting for clients that are dedicated to sustainable solutions. 

recycling electronics

The Life Cycle of Electronics

Electronics production begins with the extraction of raw materials. Minerals and metals like copper, gold, silver, aluminum, iron, and rare earth elements are all commonly used to build high-tech devices. Mining often contributes to deforestation and water pollution, and chemical processes used to refine materials can contaminate the surrounding environment. 

Manufacturing electronics requires a substantial amount of energy, generally in the form of electricity to power assembly line equipment and cooling systems. Transportation of materials and products can burn through a lot of fossil fuel, creating more carbon emissions. Each step in the supply chain is another opportunity to contribute to carbon emissions, resource depletion, and pollution.

By recycling e-waste, businesses can mitigate the need for new materials – minimizing carbon emissions and environmental impact. 


How We Measure Carbon Emissions

There are several factors we consider when measuring carbon emissions for a client. We analyze the amount of energy consumed during the recycling process, mainly the power used to run our machines. We consider carbon emissions from transportation of materials and e-waste, which we keep to a minimum using our well-placed network of facilities and partners across the US. We also evaluate emissions associated with the extraction and processing of raw materials that your business saved by recycling instead. 

Each order is meticulously tracked and broken down into tons of material per category (displays, copper wire, structured steel, mixed electronics, etc.). We offer a clear report on how many tons are saved from the landfill, and calculate its equivalent in gallons of gasoline conserved or annual passenger vehicle emissions removed to gain a better picture of your positive environmental impact. 


How to Leverage Your Carbon Emissions Report

Transparent reporting of carbon footprint analysis findings is crucial for building trust with stakeholders, customers, investors, employees, and the general public. Communicating the positive steps your company is taking towards sustainability can change public perception and build your reputation as a brand. Consumers want to support environmentally responsible companies that benefit their community. Recycling electronics is a key part of your overall sustainability efforts. Contact an expert at METech Recycling to discuss how we can help your business reduce e-waste.